Emilio Di Brizzi, born in 1968, graduated in jurisprudence, from the L.U.I.S.S. University of Rome with the highest marks, magna cum laude, on March 10th, 1992 discussing a degree thesis in Comparative Banking Law, with Professors Diego Corapi and Gustavo Visentini.
In 1992, he spent a training period of six months at legal department of Banca Commerciale Italiana, Foreign Affairs, in Milan in his capacity as intern selected by the L.U.I.S.S. University.
During the years 1993/1994, after having successfully completed the training course at military academy in Bergamo, he achieved the rank of lieutenant in Guardia di Finanza and was posted to the Legislative Department of the same Guardia di Finanza at its head quarters in Rome. In that period he was also engaged in research activity at the University, editing a volume of a series concerning the European banking legislation (Volume XI: Grecia, Bancaria Editrice), appointed by CERADI (Centro di ricerca per il diritto d’impresa, at Luiss University) and ABI, the Italian Banking Association (for further details, please see the list of publications and draftmans).
In 1995, after having completed his apprenticeship as lawyer, he was awarded a scholarship by Banca di Roma and attended the course for theoretical and practical improvement in banking issues. He then joined the legal department of the same Banca di Roma, at its head office in Rome, as in-house counsel. He advised the operating units of the bank in various banking transactions, maturing a significant experience in financing transactions (mortgaged loans; acquisition finance), securitisations, corporate counsel, contracts related to banking products, money-laundering legislation, banking and securities regulation, contacts with the relevant regulatory supervisory Authorities.
He dedicated to the law practice and joined -from September 2000 to December 2004- the banking and structured finance department of the law firm Bonelli Erede Pappalardo; in his capacity as senior associate he carried out his activity in Milan and Rome offices; during such period he was actively involved in the growth of that firm in the banking and finance sector and acquired a wide range of expertise in financing as well as in transactions with complex financing structures. In these years he was involved mainly in corporate and banking regulatory issues, in negotiating and documenting structured finance transactions (such as mortgaged and acquisition loans), securitizations and issues of bonds.
Since 2005 he is in private practice, specializing in banking and finance, corporate law and litigation.
In addition to his law practice, he is much in demand to speak at professional seminars in banking and corporate matters organized by primary training companies and is the author of draftmans and publications edited by primary law reviews and publishing houses, among which: “La disciplina dei rapporti bancari – normativa, giurisprudenza e prassi” a cura di Fabio Fiorucci – CEDAM, 2012 – capitolo quattordicesimo (Il Credito Agrario e Peschereccio) – capitolo sedicesimo (ill Credito su pegno); in particular, he wrote the chapter fourteen (concerning the discipline of agricultural and fishing credit under the Italian Banking Law) and the chapter sixteen (concerning the pledge loans) of a book related to the discipline of banking contracts (for further details, please see the list of publications and draftmans).
Since December 2013 he is qualified as expert in banking and financial market law (duly authorized to use such qualification under the deliberation of the Council of Bar Association of Rome dated December 19, 2013).
For further details concerning the professional experiences of Emilio Di Brizzi, please see his curriculum vitae.